daemontools - DJB daemontools

Website: http://cr.yp.to/daemontools.html
License: DJB
Supervise monitors a service. It starts the service and restarts the
service if it dies.  The companion  svc program  stops,  pauses,  or
restarts the service on sysadmin request.  The svstat program prints
a one-line status report.

Multilog saves error  messages to  one or more  logs.  It optionally
timestamps each line and,  for each log,  includes or excludes lines
matching specified patterns.  It automatically rotates logs to limit
the amount of disk space used.   If the disk fills up, it pauses and
tries again, without losing any data.


daemontools-0.76-1.el5.art.i386 [63 KiB]


by Nick Hemmesch (2005-02-27):
- Add Fedora Core 3 support
- Add CentOS 4 support
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