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system environment/libraries
agg -
Anti-Grain Geometry graphical rendering engine
bigloo-libs -
Bigloo runtime libraries
compat-gnutls2 -
A TLS protocol implementation
enchant -
An Enchanting Spell Checking Library
enchant-aspell -
Integration with aspell for libenchant
enchant-voikko -
Integration with voikko for libenchant
firebird-libfbclient -
Multi-threaded, non-local client libraries for Firebird SQL RDBMS
firebird-libfbembed -
Multi-process, local client libraries for Firebird SQL RDBMS
freetds -
Implementation of the Sybase/Microsoft TDS (Tabular DataStream) protocol
gc -
A garbage collector for C and C++
hunspell -
A spell checker and morphological analyzer library
icu40-libicu -
International Components for Unicode - libraries
iksemel -
An XML parser library designed for Jabber applications
ipa-python -
Python libraries used by IPA
jemalloc -
General-purpose scalable concurrent malloc implementation
ldns -
Lowlevel DNS(SEC) library with API
libadns -
The GNU asynchronous DNS resolver library
libbsd -
Library providing BSD-compatible functions for portability
libedit -
The NetBSD Editline library
libicu42 -
International Components for Unicode - libraries
libident -
New LibIdent C library
libmcrypt -
Encryption algorithms library
libnet10 -
High-level API (toolkit) to construct and inject network packets
libopendkim -
An open source DKIM library
libprelude -
The prelude library
libprelude-devel -
Header files and libraries for libprelude development
libprelude-perl -
Perl bindings for libprelude
libprelude-python -
Python bindings for libprelude
libprelude-ruby -
Ruby bindings for libprelude
librsync -
Rsync libraries
libsepol -
SELinux binary policy manipulation library
libssh2 -
A library implementing the SSH2 protocol
libtasn1 -
The ASN.1 library used in GNUTLS
libtidy -
Shared libraries for tidy
libvoikko -
Voikko is a library for spellcheckers and hyphenators
libvpx -
VP8 Video Codec SDK
lua-devel -
Development files for lua
lua-static -
Static library for lua
lzo -
Portable lossless data compression library
mhash -
Thread-safe hash algorithms library
openssl-compat-bitcoin -
Utilities from the general purpose cryptography library with TLS implementation
openssl-compat-bitcoin-libs -
A general purpose cryptography library with TLS implementation
openssl101e -
A general purpose cryptography library with TLS implementation
openvas -
The Open Vulnerability Assessment (OpenVAS) suite
openvas-administrator -
The Open Vulnerability Assessment (OpenVAS) Administrator
openvas-cli -
The Open Vulnerability Assessment (OpenVAS) CLI
openvas-glib2 -
A library of handy utility functions
openvas-manager -
The Open Vulnerability Assessment (OpenVAS) Manager
openvas-scanner -
The Open Vulnerability Assessment (OpenVAS) Server
php-embedded -
PHP library for embedding in applications
php-enchant -
Human Language and Character Encoding Support
php-fpdf -
PDF Generator library for PHP
php-intl -
Internationalization extension for PHP applications
php-jpgraph -
JpGraph is a Object-Oriented Graph creating library for PHP
php-pecl-igbinary -
Replacement for the standard PHP serializer
php-pspell -
A module for PHP applications for using pspell interfaces
php-recode -
A module for PHP applications for using the recode library
phpgacl -
Generic Access Control Lists
python-configobj -
Config file reading, writing, and validation
python-httplib2 -
A comprehensive HTTP client library
python-imaging -
Python's own image processing library
python-imaging-sane -
Python Module for using scanners
python-imaging-tk -
Tk interface for python-imaging
python-paste -
Tools for using a Web Server Gateway Interface stack
python-paste-deploy -
Load, configure, and compose WSGI applications and servers
python-paste-script -
A pluggable command-line frontend
python-simplejson -
Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python
qhull -
General dimension convex hull programs
sqlite2 -
Embeddable SQL engine in a C library
sqlite2-tcl -
Tcl bindings for sqlite
ssdeep-libs -
Runtime libfuzzy library
uriparser -
URI parsing library - RFC 3986
wmi -
wxGTK -
GTK2 port of the wxWidgets GUI library
wxGTK-gl -
OpenGL add-on for the wxWidgets library
xalan-c -
Xalan XSLT processor for C
xerces-c -
Validating XML Parser
xmlrpc-c -
A lightweight RPC library based on XML and HTTP
xmlrpc-c-c++ -
C++ libraries for xmlrpc-c
xmlrpc-c-client -
C client libraries for xmlrpc-c
xmlrpc-c-client++ -
C++ client libraries for xmlrpc-c