Atomicorp Archive :

../Oct 21 2022 15:32:364kb
InReleaseMay 25 2024 11:24:482kb
PackagesMay 25 2024 11:24:482kb
ReleaseMay 25 2024 11:24:481kb
VERSIONOct 12 2022 15:52:470kb
ossec-hids-agent_3.7.0-27193jammy_amd64.debOct 12 2022 15:52:28259kb
ossec-hids-server_3.7.0-27193jammy_amd64.debOct 12 2022 15:52:46710kb
oum_1.0.0-29452jammy_amd64.debJun 01 2023 17:20:3717kb

Configuration for the Atomic Archive

Atomic Archives

  • [atomic] - Stable free access rpm channel
  • [atomic-testing] - Near production quality packages currently in QA
  • [asl-6.0] - Stable subscription-required rpm channel for Atomic Protector/Atomic OSSEC (formally known as Atomic Securd Linux)
  • [source] - Source RPM packages

Configuration & Installation

Please see the Atomicorp Documentation ( for instructions.

Atomicorp Products

  • Atomic OSSEC provides a commercially enhanced and supported version of the OSSEC intrustion detection system.
  • Atomic Protector provides comprehensive security and compliance for servers and cloud workloads.

Atomicorp Archives

The Atomicorp archives are available through the package managers for Ubuntu, Fedora, RHEL and CentOS. Note: Not all mirrors will maintain all channels listed above.

Copyright © 2022 Atomicorp, Inc.