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Letter P
Packages beginning with letter "P".
p3scan -
Virus scanning transparent proxy server for POP3 POP3S SMTP
pdsh -
Parallel remote shell program
pdsh-mod-dshgroup -
Provides dsh-style group file support for pdsh
pdsh-mod-netgroup -
Provides netgroup support for pdsh
pdsh-rcmd-rsh -
Provides bsd rcmd capability to pdsh
pdsh-rcmd-ssh -
Provides ssh rcmd capability to pdsh
perl-Data-Dump -
Pretty printing of data structures
perl-Device-SerialPort -
Linux/POSIX emulation of Win32::SerialPort functions
perl-Email-Date-Format -
Produce RFC 2822 date strings
perl-Encode-Detect -
Encode::Encoding subclass that detects the encoding of data
perl-IO-Socket-INET6 -
Perl Object interface for AF_INET|AF_INET6 domain sockets
perl-Jcode -
Perl extension interface for converting Japanese text
perl-MIME-Lite -
MIME::Lite - low-calorie MIME generator
perl-MIME-Types -
MIME types module for Perl
perl-Mail-IMAPClient -
An IMAP Client API
perl-NTLM -
NTLM Perl module
perl-Net-CIDR-Lite -
Merge IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR addresses
perl-Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable -
Programmable DNS resolver class for offline emulation of DNS
perl-NetAddr-IP -
Manages IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and subnets
perl-NetPacket -
Assemble and dissassemble network packets
perl-PHP-Serialization -
Converts between PHP's serialize() output and the equivalent Perl structure
perl-Sys-Hostname-Long -
Get the full hostname
perl-Sys-Mmap -
Use mmap to map in a file as a Perl variable
perl-TermReadKey -
A perl module for simple terminal control
perl-libwhisker2 -
Perl module geared specifically for HTTP testing
perl-libwhisker2-doc -
Development documentation for perl-libwhisker2
phoronix-test-suite -
A Comprehensive Linux Benchmarking System
php-Smarty -
Template/Presentation Framework for PHP
php-channel-phpunit -
Adds phpunit channel to PEAR
php-ioncube-loader -
PHP Ioncube Loader
php-ioncube-loader-debuginfo -
Debug information for package php-ioncube-loader
php-jpgraph -
JpGraph is a Object-Oriented Graph creating library for PHP
php-pear -
PHP Extension and Application Repository framework
php-pear-Console-Getargs -
Command-line arguments and parameters parser
php-pear-Crypt-GPG -
This package provides an object oriented interface to GNU Privacy Guard
php-pear-Image-Graph -
Displays numerical data as a graph/chart/plot
php-pear-PHP-CodeSniffer -
PHP coding standards enforcement tool
php-pecl-apc -
APC caches and optimizes PHP intermediate code
php-pecl-apc-devel -
APC developer files (header)
php-pecl-memcache -
Extension to work with the Memcached caching daemon
php-pecl-zendopcache -
The Zend OPcache
php-pecl-zendopcache-debuginfo -
Debug information for package php-pecl-zendopcache
php-suhosin -
Advanced protection system for PHP installations
php-suhosin-debuginfo -
Debug information for package php-suhosin
php-xcache -
Fast, stable PHP opcode cacher
php-zend-guard-loader -
PHP Zend Guard
php-zend-optimizer -
PHP Zend Optimizer
picviz -
Parallel coordinates plotter
picviz-devel -
Picviz development files
picviz-gui -
Graphical frontend for picviz
picviz-plugin-plplot -
Plplot plugin for picviz
picviz-plugin-pngcairo -
PNG Cairo plugin for picviz
pnscan -
Parallell Network Scanner
project-gamera -
Project Gamera is a suite to create an application layer email firewall.
psa-atmail -
The @mail webmail adopted for Plesk
psa-kronolith -
The Horde calendar application
psa-spamdyke -
Plesk Spamdyke Config Panel
psmon -
pylibacl -
POSIX.1e ACLs library wrapper for python
python-SocksiPy -
A Python SOCKS module
python-cherrypy -
A pythonic, object-oriented web development framework
python-configobj -
Config file reading, writing, and validation
python-decoratortools -
Use class and function decorators -- even in Python 2.3
python-docutils -
A system for processing plaintext documentation
python-formencode -
HTML form validation, generation, and convertion package
python-imaging -
Python's own image processing library
python-imaging-devel -
Development files for python-imaging
python-imaging-sane -
Python Module for using scanners
python-imaging-tk -
Tk interface for python-imaging
python-kid -
Kid - A simple and pythonic XML template language
python-libvoikko -
Python interface to libvoikko
python-msgpack -
A Python MessagePack (de)serializer
python-msgpack-debuginfo -
Debug information for package python-msgpack
python-netaddr -
Pythonic manipulation of IPv4, IPv6, CIDR, EUI and MAC network addresses
python-paste -
Tools for using a Web Server Gateway Interface stack
python-paste-deploy -
Load, configure, and compose WSGI applications and servers
python-paste-script -
A pluggable command-line frontend
python-peak-rules -
Generic functions and business rules support systems
python-peak-util-addons -
Dynamically extend other objects with AddOns
python-peak-util-assembler -
Generate Python code objects by "assembling" bytecode
python-peak-util-extremes -
Production-quality 'Min' and 'Max' objects
python-peak-util-symbols -
Simple "symbol" type, useful for enumerations or sentinels
python-prioritized-methods -
An extension to PEAK-Rules to prioritize methods in order
python-protocols -
Open Protocols and Component Adaptation for Python
python-ruledispatch -
A generic function package for Python
python-simplejson -
Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python
python-sphinx -
Python documentation generator
python-sphinx-doc -
Documentation for python-sphinx
python-sqlalchemy -
Modular and flexible ORM library for python
python-sqlobject -
SQLObject -Object-Relational Manager, aka database wrapper
python-turbocheetah -
TurboGears plugin to support use of Cheetah templates
python-turbojson -
Python template plugin that supports json
python-turbokid -
Python template plugin that supports Kid templates
pyxattr -
Extended attributes library wrapper for Python
pyzor -
A collaborative, networked system to detect and block spam.